desperately seeking: financial freedom

in my quest to do anything and everything to achieve financial freedom, i should add a caveat: until i grow bored.

two things i’ve done today in an attempt to make passive income: signed up to 2 affiliate marketing programs and tried to make videos i can put on a secret channel to get views and potentially earn money from youtube.

the first two turned out: one says they’re deliberating, and the other allowed me a link right away. so click this link and buy something from fiverr and i get a kickback! trust me, i would not support something i haven’t used. i’ve used fiverr for a few services, mostly buying really, really good book covers. my Daughter Of The Valley book cover was designed by a fiverr artist!

the other was bluehost, which is the site i use to build my websites (when i have them. i usually lose interest in my websites very quickly and then never use them again and then they run out and i just don’t renew them). but i love bluehost: they are cheap and easy to use. best of all, they don’t rely on wordpress. i fucking hate wordpress because it’s too difficult to use despite being everywhere and used by everyone. i was helping someone fix their wordpress site and it was so fucking confusing after not using wordpress for years. wordpress is shit and i’m not here for it.

the second way i tried was by making a video of a waterfall, looped for two hours, with a soundtrack of waterfall sounds over it. i finished it and tried twice to upload it, but it failed both times, and since i was tired and hungry and coming out of hyperfocus, i gave up. maybe i’ll finish it tomorrow. the next video that i didn’t finish was a dark academia playlist over a picture of a museum found on canva. why did i do these. things? i have no idea anymore. i just get an idea in my head and run with it, a proverbial dog chasing proverbial cars. if i could maximise my slay i’m sure i would eventually take over the world, but as of now, i have to lie down.