guess who got a new editor???

ME, BABES!!! this means i'll be putting out chapters of JUNK! Saga One Book One soon!!! what i'm thinking is I'll put out the first three chapters up on here when the book is finished and then i'll put the book out on draft2digital and my shop for a price i haven’t decided yet. (should it be AUD$2.99? USD$2.99? free or pay what you want?)

i’ve noticed that i haven’t had any downloads of my previous books since i changed the prices, which makes me a little sad. i had 20 downloads last month and none this month! i want to believe my writing is worth paying for, but i guess not? i don’t know what to think or believe. i’m just focusing on growing my youtube and tumblr platforms right now as well as finishing more books, because i know once i have more books written, i will have a higher chance of people reading them. teehee.

okay i’m coasting on about four hours sleep and don’t know how long i can keep this up, so i may just fall asleep on the couch and be done with the day! at 8 pm even!

bye bye bye tell your mum i said hi