i'm going to get more personal on here.

my problem is not that i’m a jack of all trades and a master of none, but that i can never ever decide what i want to do on any given day—except for the day i decided i’m pivoting my business. it’s official. instead of Theirwulf Media it’s going to be Theirwulf Consulting. i’m so passionate about educating people—whether that’s through my youtube channel, tutoring high school students, or helping people with their businesses. i just love it.

so i’m going to stop with the preachy bullshit “how to write” stuff. every single author wants to teach people how to write and it was too clickbaity anyway. what i want to focus on here on substack is longer-form posts about my life and my work. one thing alex hormozi talks about is how cool it would be if business giants like [puke] jeff bezos and [double puke] elon musk had documented their business adventures. don’t get me wrong, i hate these stupid bitches, but alex hormozi is, for me, on the money about 97 per cent of the time. he has such insightful advice—not all the time, but most of it.

hearing that made me want to do it. i want to post on my youtube and on here about what i’m doing with my business. the first thing: teaching people how to educate. when i was explaining this it sounded like a multi-level marketing scheme, honestly. but the thing i’m passionate about is teaching and there just aren’t enough good educators out there. so teaching teachers to teach is somewhere i want to explore.

another idea i have is curriculum overhaul. i’m probably not the best person to do this though seeing as i have zero contacts in the education sector. but week after week i get complaints from my students about the bullshit they have to do at school, and my biggest gripe is that school (barely) prepares them to pass tests instead of teaching them the skills they need to become lifelong learners. i’m not teaching my students how to analyse a text for class, i’m teaching them the media literacy skills they need to sift through information to figure out what’s good, what’s shit, and what’s worth taking note of—a skill they need when faced with shit like the propaganda hate machine of terfery or the feces that comes out of right wingers’ mouths. school kids just aren’t taught how to differentiate that shit and then the teachers wonder why neo nazis are gathering with terfs as an act of genocide against trans people. well, they probably don’t. so many teachers just grab the bag and piss the holidays away.

(i’m usually working during the holidays. i can’t remember the last time i took a week off because i can’t afford to. tutoring is like being part of a wait staff, which i’ve also done for many years: you get treated like shit by the public because they think your job isn’t important enough, you do the work that people in positions of actual power should be doing, and you get paid shit money by people earning over 6 figures a year who haven’t done half as much work as you since they got the job. can you tell i’m salty about it.)

another thing i want to teach people is finance and poverty literacy. according to ACOSS, over 3 million people in australia (almost 15 per cent of our population) live in poverty. 19 per cent of children in australia live in poverty. i’ve lived in poverty for most of my life. i lived with my abusive, alcoholic, bipolar father for the first 14 years of my life in poverty, then with my abusive, uncaring mother who married rich for 10, and since 2016 i’ve been juggling poverty with jobs that give me enough money to get by. i’m finally in a position where my wife and i can breathe, but it is fucking hard work. i work at least 10 hours a day juggling youtube, tutoring and ghostwriting, as outlined in this video. i just released a video on practical tips for escaping poverty, financial survival mode, and the poverty mindset here. if you want to give that a look and tell me what you think, go ahead, make me a samwedge.

wow, this got long. i guess i’ll leave it there. that’s all i wanted to say for now. i’m struggling this month because i haven’t yet reached the 25,000 word minimum i need for my ghostwriting gig to get paid in april, and i need to get paid in april so that we can get our car. it’s also my birthday in april so it would be nice to take my wife’s family out to dinner or maybe even host a birthday party. i love entertaining and haven’t been able to do it for years. so i’ll hit that minimum, prommy, and i’ll have a nice birthday. here’s to shit-kickin’ it for another year. seeya later, dummies.