life lessons from march, 2023.

in my “roasting linked in word salad” video, i mentioned that when i start a new platform i watch a lot of “how to” videos to get a feel for how best to optimise it. most of this information is useless and not conducive to what i actually want to do. sure, i know that you should post 3 tiktoks a day, but since i don’t use tiktok and i don’t talk to anyone who does, why the fuck would i need that information?

over the past few years, even before i started my current youtube channel, i have been watching content like “how to grow on youtube,” “how to make the best thumbnail,” channels like Think Media and the other one with the bald scottish guy. my life cycles so wildly i go through and subscribe to these channels for about a week before i unsubscribe again because i’m so bored by their content. but the information stays. i know i should be catering to a viewership, not an algorithm. i know i should be paying attention to the watch time drop off curve. but what exactly am i doing with this information?

well, for one, i’m paying more attention to my audience. i posted a while back about doing some different stuff on my youtube channel, and people said that i should post it on my current channel instead of starting a new one. i didn’t do that. instead, i started a new channel and posted it there. now that channel has three videos and i don’t intend to post more at this time. i don’t think has necessarily hurt my channel, but it may have caused some people to unfollow since i didn’t do what they asked. they may have felt cheated out of my work. they may have felt that i wasn’t as committed to providing them with quality entertainment as i should have been. but who knows? this is pure conjecture.

this ties into something else: i am sticking to my word. not “i want to stick to my word.” not “i’ll try to stick to my word.” I Am Sticking To My Word. if i promise something from here on out, no matter how long it takes, i will do it. even if i forget for a whole year, that is no time at all. i have had this channel for almost 1.5 years now and the time has flown by. my wife and i were homeless for five months of that. i have had four jobs in that time, two of which i’m still doing.

so, going forward, if i ask whether i should post something to my main channel and someone says yes, i will do it. i have some don’t starve content in the works and one of my followers cared enough to reply to my post about it, so i will be editing that and posting it soon!

that’s the first, most obvious, and most important lesson i learned in march: stick to your word. that’s it for now. sayonara, you weeaboo shits.