what value are you providing?

and what problem are you solving?

Welcome to day 2 of me writing whatever the hell I want whenever I want. It’s actually still day 1 but I’m queuing these posts in case I forget. Look at me getting my shit together!

Today, let’s talk about value. Every business, every idea, and every product or service has valuable. Think about the things around you right now: if you look at your desk you might see your phone, your computer, your notebooks, and/or your pens. These things have value because you use them everyday and they make your life easier. Imagine where we would be without the mighty pen! Similarly to other things that you don’t use as often. Perhaps you only drive your car once a week. Maybe you go to the shopping centre once a fortnight. Maybe you get your laptop serviced every six months. All of these things are valuable, even if we don’t use them everyday.

Something that a lot of new entrepreneurs focus on when they start their businesses is the question of, “Why should anyone get something from me?” In the bizz, we call this “imposter syndrome.” It’s a maladaptive coping strategy that prevents us from getting hurt by telling ourselves it’s not worth trying because no one is going to want what we have to give.

WRONG! Get that shit outta here. You have a skill, either one to make a service or one to make a product, and it is worth someone paying money for or listening to. You just have to figure out what that skill is. Once you do, then you niche down, figure out your target audience, and find out how to sell. We’ll go through these in future newsletters or videos. (You can watch my youtube channel here in case I upload something in the meantime.)

Another way to think of value proposition is: what problem are you solving? Someone buys a phone charger because they need to charge their phone. Someone buys a hammer most likely because they are making crafts or doing home reno. What problem are you solving for your target audience? Just some things to think about.

As for now, watch this video here on ways to generate ideas with Ali Abdaal (a personal favourite of mine) and David Perell: Building An Idea Factory. 

That’s it for this newletter. Later, fuckos.